Wednesday 6 March 2024

Rainy Days

Dear God,

Please be with the little ones sloshing their way to the bus stop this morning.

Keep them dry, or at least let the wetness not bother them much.

Please bless the ones who stayed home sick today, 

especially those who are sick enough they they aren't even playing on their computer all morning.

Please let their homes be warm, cozy places they can return to this afternoon.


Friday 23 February 2024



We’re at the end of another week.

We did it!

Bless kids with a good day at school.

Help the teachers and staff have the rest that they truly deserve, because Monday comes quickly.

Please be with the kids as they go to youth over nights, sports games, pine car derbies, and all of the amazing things they do outside school. 

Bless them all God.


Thursday 22 February 2024



It’s happened again.

Another sweet child is gone too soon. 

Because they were different.


Please empower our children to make kind and brave choices.

To move over on the bus seat.

To make a space at lunch.

To invite into a game at recess.

To stand up for another.

To remember what can be at stake. 

Help adults remember that our kids are watching us too.

In your name we pray.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

For the Driver

Gracious Spirit,

Please watch over these bus drivers,

they carry so much with them, our most precious gifts.

Please Lord, give them patience. We all know that kids are

going to challenge the driver's stock of this commodity.

Lord, please bless them with the satisfaction of a job well done.

Please let them know we appreciate how they care for forgotten items.

Bless them with rest, because they have to get up to do this again, tomorrow.

In your name, we pray.


Rainy Days

Dear God, Please be with the little ones sloshing their way to the bus stop this morning. Keep them dry, or at least let the wetness not bot...